
The subject of timely diagnosis and prevention of urinary system diseases is an essential argument in life quality and health of pets. The present article exposes conducted test on supplement into basic ration of and VESELIY KIT feed supplements to cat breeds like exotic short-haired and Persian. Herbal extracts (birch buds, cranberry, nettle, plantain and lespedeza) with addition of beer yeasts and vitamin-mineral complex are used as active ingredients in presented feed supplements. Administration effectiveness of feed supplements was analyzed as a result of animal common state (nutritional state, skin and coat state, presence/absence of secretion from nose, eyes, etc.) and blood biochemical rates (urea, creatin). During the entire period of the test (4 weeks ( I, II, IV and V groups), 8 weeks – III group) the animals were active, with satisfied appetite, they have normal reaction on sound and light irritants. Disorders in breathing, urination and defecation were not observed. Coat excretion in control groups took a place 1-2 times a week via vomiting, whereas in period of the first week of Phytovit feed supplement administration (for coat excretion) the process of vomiting was observed in 20% of cats; and starting the second week of feed supplement administration the coat in animals was excreted via digestive path with feces. Under the conditions of Phytovit supplement administration (for strong nervous and immune system) more calm behavior was observed in animals during the test starting from the second week of administration. Administration of Phytovit feed supplement (for coat) has led to improvement of skin common state and coat cover (dissolution of dander - after week of administration, appearance of shine and reduction of coat prolapse - after two weeks of administration) in relation to control one. Application of feed supplement Veseliy Kit and Phytovit (prevention of kidney stone disease) in cats, opposite to control had an improvement in skin state, changes and disorders of urinary system were not observed in difference to blood biochemical rates dynamics. It was detected that level of urea in cats in all groups during the test reduced, and at the end of the test on average made up 9,0 (I); 9,9 (II); 11,5 (III); 10,9 (IV) and 17,1 (V) % corresponding to control one. Starting from 14th day of the test, it was also registered gradually reduction of creatin level relating to control indices, which on average made up17,8 (I); 17,7 (II); 15,4 (III), 14,1 (IV) and 15,8 (V)% (р ≤ 0,05).


  • Estimation of PHYTOVIT feed supplements and VESELIY KIT impact on clinical state and urinary system of the cats

  • The subject of timely diagnosis and prevention of urinary system diseases is an essential argument in life quality and health of pets

  • Herbal extracts with addition of beer yeasts and vitamin-mineral complex are used as active ingredients in presented feed supplements

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Application of feed supplement "Veseliy Kit" and Phytovit (prevention of kidney stone disease) in cats, opposite to control had an improvement in skin state, changes and disorders of urinary system were not observed in difference to blood biochemical rates dynamics. Применение у котов кормовой добавки Веселый кот и Фитовит (профилактика мочекаменной болезни), в отличие от контроля, имели улучшение со стороны состояния кожи, изменений или нарушений со стороны мочевыделительной системы не было отмечено, в отличие от динамики биохимических показателей крови. У даній статті наведені результати досліджень впливу кормових добавок Фітовіт та Веселий кіт на клінічний стан та сечовидільну систему котів порід екзотична короткошерста та персидська. Застосування у тварин кормових добавок Веселий кіт та Фітовіт, на відміну від контролю, мали покращення з боку стану шкіри, змін чи порушень з боку сечовидільної системи не було відмічено, на відміну від біохімічних показників крові.

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