
The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of the meat market in Ukraine, to identify trends in its development. Research methods. The following methods have been used generally accepted methods and techniques: a set of scientific methods of abstract and logical method (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, analogy and comparison, formalization) for develop theoretical positions and analyze the situation in the meat market; statistical when assessing the meat market; tabular for visual representation of the research results; graphic for identify and illustrate trends of the research economic phenomena. Research results. The meat market is an important component of the food market of the country, on the stability of which the living standards of the population and the food security of the country largely depend, has been generalized. Meat and meat products are among the most important foods. It has been found that the meat market operates in rather difficult economic conditions. Meat producers increase production volumes with the decline of certain branches of animal husbandry In the livestock industry of Ukraine there are transformational processes that cause changes in the meat market structure. The meat market structure is considered and the peculiarities of its functioning are revealed. Poultry meat has been found to have a monopoly on the meat market. The increase in poultry meat production is primarily due to the growing demand from the population and the food industry. The basis of the "meat diet" is poultry meat, as the most available type of meat has been determined. Scientific novelty. Production of poultry meat in Ukraine is the most profitable has been specified. The rapid return on investment in poultry production has led to increased investment in the industry, the construction of modern large poultry farms and the creation of powerful vertically integrated companies. Pork production has stabilized somewhat. However, African swine fever causes significant damage. Raising cattle remains a non-profit business. The trend of cattle slaughter continues in Ukraine,. At the same time, the main producers of cattle meat are households. Analytical assessments and determinations of factors influencing meat production and further development of the meat market have been further developed. Practical significance. Analytical materials of the article have been based on relevant official statistics, which can be can be used for addressing development of the meat market. Research results can be useful for all meat market participa nts. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 19.

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