
In international relations the concept of "power" is one of the most important categories within which the main problem of relations between countries is analyzed – the issue of war and peace. Based on "strength", international actors analyze each other's capabilities and evaluate the degree of stability of the international system. The concept of "power" plays an important methodological role among scientists and analysts of international relations. But, despite this, we argue that the term "power" is often misinterpreted (especially in fields outside of political science), moreover, too often have a stereotypical character unsuitable for science. We found the conceptual problematic of the term "power" in the sciences of politics and international relations. We think that the wrong interpretation of the mentioned concept leads to analytical errors: wrong political decisions are made based on the wrong understanding of the strength of countries and the power in public life, which prevents the prevention of war and the building of sustainable peace. The present study analyzes the reasons for the negative attitude to the concept of "power" in modern scientific fields outside of political science; weaknesses of established definitions in international relations (attention is paid to the views of representatives of the School of Neorealism) are also investigated, and successful examples of rethinking the mentioned concept are given. Also, in the article, we investigate the historical evolution of the mentioned term and try to present the relevance of the problem and the need for conceptual development of the term in the concluding part.

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