
The study investigates the central current issues in extreme forest fire extinction from organizational and technological perspectives. An analysis of the problems in the field of forest pyrology is established on the principles of systematic approach, methods of logical analysis and synthesis of ongoing processes. It indicates the need to develop modern mechanisms against forest fires of various types, which are often the origins of emergency forest fires of various scales. It has been determined that the scientifically substantiated ways of arrangement and implementation of measures for fire prevention and elimination should be supported by an adequate functioning system for scientifically based management decisions. Such a system should be grounded on the processes of the integrated fire monitoring and predicting of the forest fire situation, supervising and estimating the dynamics as well as consequences of the forest fires, their sources of various types and emergency scenarios with gradated threat scales. There are multiple fire extinguishing techniques with various productivity, environmental friendliness, cost efficiency, speed response that have been practically proven over a long period of time. Although the elevation of the results, according to the parameters of the reduced number of burns and the forest areas covered by fire, shows the need for improvement, as well as the generation and realization of the new modern methods against burns on wooded areas especially with the damaging factors. It is recommended to reduce the fire hazard class caused by weather conditions by using an environmentally compatible and efficient electrophysical principals. Such response procedures have gone through an extensive practical examination in different geographical conditions of the Russian Federation and in several foreign countries. It should be mentioned that this approach has a great potential for prevention and termination of large forest fires, reducing the damaging factors coming from the sources of emergency fire situations. For citation: Podrezov Yu.V. Principal Directions for Prevention of Emergency Fire Situations in Forests. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 2, pp. 172–182. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2023-2-172-182

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