
Educational tourism is the one of promising way in Yaroslavl region, which has important task - inter-regional tourism organization. This can be achieved through the development and implementation of the project of patriotic tourist local-history expedition which named « Russia is my Motherland», which supposes collaboration between federal regions. Nowadays two regions take part in this project: Yaroslavl and Vologda regions, which represents projects of expeditions «Yaroslavia is my Motherland» and «Vologodchina is my Motherland». «Infant-Junior Centre of Tourism and Expeditions» and «Regional Centre of Child Additional Education» organize those expeditions.
 The main features, similarities and differences, possible ways of development and expedition participant quantity are considered in the article. The article includes fundamental requirements of expedition organization, sample of electronic registration, fundamental competitions and summarizing form. According expedition participant catalogue, fundamental expedition thematic parts are marked out. Further main ways of project development are considered through the experience of patriotic tourism local-history expedition «Yaroslavia is my motherland». The experience of quest game organization for attraction many students and pupils to project is shown in photos. In addition data of participant quantity dynamics is included in the article. The experience of municipal expedition «My Poshehon land» is considered. Finally main target of expedition «Russia is my Motherland» as a decision of the important tasks of educational tourism - development of inter-regional collaboration - is underlined.

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