
The article deals with the foreign course of President Joe Biden’s administration in regard to making an anti-iranian coalition in the Middle East. Due to a plethora of intra and extra factors, this particular deal has become crucial. The significance is defined by analyzing one of the most important aspects of American foreign policy in the Middle East for the last short period of time. Its realization will help not only oppose Iranian expansionism in the region but also stand against a possible alliance of two dictators regimes – Putin’s and Ayatollahs’ – in the Russian-Ukrainian war, and in the future could lead to serious danger for all regional security system in the Middle East. The aim of the article is to systematic investigation of the US’ foreign strategy to create an anti-Iranian alliance in the Middle East, mentioning new features, that occur from late 2022 and the beginning of 2023. The article shows the importance of the anti-Iranian alliance as one of the pivotal fronts of war between the global democratic team led by the US and the global dictators’ bunch, which can possibly doom the future of humanity. Methods include a broad mix of general scientific and narrow methods like systemic method, comparative analysis, sources’ critic analysis. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author is first in Ukrainian historiography, who tried to investigate the ongoing process of reforming the political and security situation in the Middle East and made a complex analysis of one of the top priority foreign policy themes, conducted by President Joe Biden’s administration in the Middle East, with inventing into research agenda new American, Israel and Arab sources. New reasons and facets in the Middle Eastern geopolitical situation are highlighted, which indicate the cruciality of the research problem. The author draws a conclusion about the correlation of processes in the Middle East and Ukraine, in particular, that the policy of J. Biden’s administration in the specified direction allows more effective resistance to Russian aggression in Ukraine.

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