
In the practice of modern breeding work, the selection of animals is carried out simul-taneously on several economically useful traits. Therefore, the task of developing a complex numerical index that could evaluate the prospects for using animals in breeding work with a high degree of certainty is very relevant. Such a complex index is the selection index. At the same time, the selection index evaluates the animal only by its own productivity. It is of inter-est to add components to this index that would allow a comprehensive evaluation of the ani- mal not only taking into account its own productivity, but also taking into account the quality of its offspring. The best way to evaluate the offspring is the well-known BLUP method (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction), which uses a mixed biometric model that takes into account the animal's genotype, its habitat, and random factors. The paper shows that only a selection in-dex based on the selection ratio is suitable for forming a combined index. The BLUP method allows you to evaluate animals only on one economically useful trait. Therefore, when con-structing combined selection indices, the BLUP method will need to be evaluated several times based on the number of traits used in the index. At the same time, it is proposed to sim-ultaneously form two sets of combined selection indices y: taking into account only the ef-fects of the evaluated fathers; taking into account the combined effects of fathers and the ef-fects of genetic groups. This will give a more objective picture with a small number of de-scendants of the evaluated animals. This approach will help the breeder to choose the most optimal strategy for further selection work.

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