
研究和探索一种切合中国农村社会经济结构的识别低保物件的新技术,是未雨绸缪之举。本文尝试采用参与式贫富排序方法去实现上述目标。研究结果显示,在识别农村低保物件方面,参与式贫富排序方法是一种方便快捷、低成本高效益、有可持续能力的方法,值得政府决策部门借鉴参考。 According to the unique social and economic structures in rural China, research and study in exploring a new and effective identifying technique to target people of RMLPS accurately is urgent and necessary. Under the consideration of this unique situation, this research has developed and employed a new technique, namely "The Participatory Wealth Ranking Method", as a tool of identification. The research shows that this technique is convenient, less costly, efficient and effective. In view of its high sustainability, this new technique is valuable and deserves to be considered by the Government in the policy-making process.

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