
The article is devoted to the analysis of meaningful life orientations, coping strategies and stress factors in the professional activities of civil servants. It was analyzed that civil servants in wartime use coping strategies based on their personal experience (personal resources or coping resources). Therefore, the coping behavior of civil servants must be considered as the result of the interaction of coping strategies (methods of managing the stress factor that arise as an individual's response to a perceived threat) and coping resources (relatively stable characteristics of specialists and stress that contribute to the development of adaptive abilities of specialists). The conducted empirical research made it possible to determine that a high level of stress resistance in civil servants indicates the presence of coping resources, which are manifested in the specialist's recognition of his role when possible critical situations arise, in the ability to effectively cope with stressful situations. This contributes to the development of adaptive psychological factors that will allow the development of the necessary behavioral coping strategies, through the understanding and definition of a potential stressor and the creation of a reserve of personal and environmental resources necessary for the success of coping behavior, personal growth, well-being and the achievement of positive professional goals. It was also established that the respondents are not characterized by overcoming negative experiences due to purposeful restraint of emotions, minimizing their impact on the perception of the situation and choosing a behavioral strategy. For civil servants, it is important to overcome negative experiences by subjectively reducing the significance of a problematic situation and analyzing the level of emotional involvement in it, as well as the synthesis of information, the choice of possible options for solving critical situations and risk avoidance. The meaningful life orientations of civil servants during martial law are aimed at such key components as: security, motives for independent choice of activities during military operations, self-realization in professional activities, and the development of emotional, motivational, and behavioral components.

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