
Political discourse abounds with political meanings, manifest and hidden ideological preferences, has a national-cultural coloring. Such features of political discourse make its perception largely subjective and individual.On the other hand, language as a means of communication has a dual nature − an expression plane and a content plane. The latter in the form of lexical, grammatical, stylistic meanings, which are present in a person’s linguistic consciousness, is that essential, ontological basis that allows language in the process of speech communication to form the invariant basis of the pragmatic functional of the text which is independent of the subjective-individual features of the its perception. Communicative-semantic and pragmatic modeling can be an effective tool of exploring the tangible, language basis of the pragmatic dimension of the text excluding its connection with the peculiarities of subjective and individual perception. Semantic modeling shows the result of selection and inclusion of informative, descriptive and other semantic data in the text. Semantic-communicative modeling is realized in the form of the semantic-communicative model based on the size of a lexico-semantic field and the semantic-communicative model based on the frequency weight of such a field. These models make it possible to identify the illocutionary stance of the text and measure it in words and frequency characteristics and determine the main communicative-pragmatic explicators of the text. The functional and pragmatic perspective of the text is based on the pragmatic explicators of the text, semantic (contextual) fields into which they are embedded, and the compositional structure of the text.

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