
The aim is to conduct the culturological analysis of circus industry in modern Ukraine in the context of the state culture policy, define and substantiate the essential contents of the state regulation of circus industry in the context and within its legislative and normative­legal field. The relevance of the main provisions of this study in the formation of the latest scientific discourse in the field of circus art is substantiated. The basic concept of circus industry was updated, which lies in formation of a legislative and regulatory framework for the development of national circus art. The culturological analysis of the circus development program is carried out. It is emphasized that the legislative and regulatory framework of the sphere of culture has universal, on the one hand and on the other hand specific provisions, inherent only in a particular art form. Emphasis is made on the need to introduce a modern, civilized paternalistic state policy for the development of circus art, in particular. It is emphasized that modern civilized paternalism will allow to maintain a stable presence of the national circus product at the national and world market of cultural and artistic services, and through this — to provide the stable development of domestic circus industry. It is updated that thanks to modern paternalism and enhanced budget support for all components of the circus industry, such as: training systems for creative and managerial staff, amateur circus art system, stationary circuses system, will ensure sustainable development of the national circus industry in its entirety. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to carry out a culturological analysis of circus in modern Ukraine in the context of state culture policy, to determine and justify the essence of state regulation of circus, in the context and within its legislative and regulatory framework. As the most scientific ones for the study of circus industry in the context of state culture policy can be considered the following methodological approaches: culturological analysis of the legislative and regulatory field of culture; convergent­divergent approach, which considers the legislative and regulatory framework in a dynamic aspect as an integral system that normalizes the relations between the state and the sphere of culture and creates conditions for the development of arts; the principle of comparative analysis, aimed at identifying specific components and finding universal, peculiar to the entire artistic sphere legislative and regulatory documents. Thus, the scientific novelty of the represented work is that the state culture policy in the field of circus industry is considered as an integral, systemic phenomenon, the basic component of which is the legislative and regulatory field. Conclusions. Since Ukraine’s independence, the state has formed and pursued a culture policy that regulates the relationship between the cultural and artistic spheres and the state. After all, the state provides the development of culture and art, free access to cultural heritage, provides comprehensive artistic and aesthetic education of the population, supports the activities of cultural industries. The basic component of the state culture policy is the legislative and regulatory field. Ukraine has formed a meaningful and extensive legal framework for all types of art that are developing in our country. The legislative base of the culture sphere ensures the sustainable development of culture and art, the formation of an integral system of institutions and institutions that produce cultural and artistic products, train artistic personnel for the field of culture and art. It can be stated that the circus industry in Ukraine, unfortunately, was left out of the attention of culture sphere politicians and statesmen, because currently not developed and adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Circus Industry and Circus Art”, which would ensure further development of circus and circus art. The adoption of this law is timely and extremely relevant in the current socio­cultural realities. Prospects for further research. Cultural theorizing of circus, in particular in the context of state culture policy, creates the preconditions for the emergence of the latest humanities — circology, a science that will carry out an integral analysis of circus. A new scientific discipline — circology, will provide a harmonious combination of theory and practice of circus, both within the national boundaries of scientific discourse and in the field of international scientific theorizing of art in general.

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