
The article examines information threats as the main factor in the development of "hybrid war. The factors that influenced the deployment of the "hybrid war" in the information space of Ukraine are described. The views of domestic and foreign authors on the essence of the "hybrid war" of the Russian Federation against Ukraine are shown. It has been established which simulacra used the Russian media as tools of "hybrid war". The target groups to which the "hybrid war" was directed have been identified. It is argued that the information component of Russia's "hybrid war" against Ukraine is objectively one of the significant factors in its conduct, and the scale of the use of information manipulation and misinformation is gaining various features. It is proved that the implementation of the information component of the "hybrid war" with the use of various negative for the population and state information operations, open advocacy to break national stability, integrity and sovereignty was also directed against citizens throughout Ukraine. The analysis conducted in the article suggests that the information component of the "hybrid war" between Russia is objectively one of the significant factors in its conduct, and the scale of information manipulation, propaganda, disinformation takes various forms and features. State management of information security in a hybrid war should provide for the implementation of managerial influence in several stages, which include: the formation of information security; identification of challenges and threats to information security; assessment of the state and capabilities of the information security system; development and implementation of tools for state response to threats to information security; monitoring, surveillance and control over information security.

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