
The main determinants of scientific integrity are considered in the article: moral and ethical; religious and ideological; philosophical and methodological; political and legal; social with criminogenic inclusive; technical and technological; advertising and marketing. The main attention is drawn to the crisis in the social and humanitarian sciences which in Ukrainian conditions can be explained in the broad sense by the legacy of the Soviet past, when the social humanitarian sciences (the social sciences and the humanities in western understanding) were predominantly promoted with ideological goals. The quasi scientific practice that drove in Soviet times was the practice of artificial scientification of various political doctrines and ideologies based on the «one correct doctrine» — Marxism-Leninism («scientific communism»; «scientific atheism», etc.). Competing doctrines declared unscientific. At the more late time, the manifestations of scientific malpractice are commercial facilitated researches. To this over-commercialization and over-politicization factors we must add the relativism of the postmodern worldview with its dubious «post-truth» ideal. The article suggests various ways and methods solving the problem of strengthening the scientific integrity: philosophical; moral&ethical; political&legal; corporate-administrative.

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