
His article analyses non-verbal and mixed signs as important elements of the linguasemiotic space of the institutional discourse (pedagogical in particular) on the example of Volgograd educational institutions. The article elicits that the semiotic space of the educational institutions under analysis is rich in all kinds of signs which reflect the institutional nature of the educational institutions emphasizing the participants’ of the pedagogical discourse social statuses. The linguistic analysis is applied to non-verbal signs (paralinguistic signs, iconic signs, symbolic signs, coloronyms, symbolic artifacts) as well as to mixed ones. A mixed sign is a combination of verbal and non-verbal components (coat of arms, anthem, ritual). According to the results of the research it is stated that the linguasemiotic space of VSMU, VolSU, VolSAU, VSPEA, VSAPE and Volgograd conservatory is more developed then the linguasemiotic space of VSTU, VSSPU and VSIAC.

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