
In this study, service failures in popular music concert are analyzed in order to provide better service to audiences through effective service failure prevention. In general, many service failures are occurred inevitably due to a variety uncontrollable factors existed in service encounters and service delivery processes. Hence, most service failure studies have been focused on finding effective ways of service recovery so as to retain or increase customer’s loyalty. However, since the popular music concert is provided to audiences as an one-time event, characteristics of service failures in this service is inherently different from other services. In such non-repeat service environment, effective prevention of service failure is the key factors for successful service provision. In this study, a service error classification matrix is proposed for the popular music concert services for effective prevention of service failure. For this end, basic building-blocks, or fundamental elements of the popular music concert are identified. In addition, several types of service constituent elements classification approaches are comparatively analyzed in order to classify basic building-blocks of the popular music concert systematically. In this study, the service flower concept, the service package approach and the service marketing 7Ps are analyzed comparatively. As a result, it turns out that the service marketing 7Ps approach is the most appropriate service error classification method for the popular music concert. It is believed that the proposed service marketing 7Ps based service error classification matrix will play an important role in successive provision of popular music concert by giving effective and proactive service failure prevention.

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