
Abstract Purpose: The present research aimed at developing and validation of a scale for measuring the effectiveness of organization of materials in academic libraries with a holistic approach. Methodology: The construct of the scale is follows the criteria of Competing-values approach, with an emphasis on its four relevant models. Eight key factors were considered for this purpose, namely: planning, productivity and, efficiency, availability of information, stability (equilibrium), cohesive workforce, skilled workforce, flexibility, and acquisition of resources. Based on these factors, using some reliable literature in library and information science, and personal experiences, 54 items were constructed to be used in the scale. The first draft of the scale was then sent to a Delphi panel including of some 30 experts in library and information field who were experienced in academic library management for their comments. The final draft was resolved in the second round of comments. Cronbach’s Alpha method was used for the test of reliability of the scale, and consistency of the items was investigated using expert views. Also, the Friedman statistical test was applied as a means for making conclusion about the overall agreement of the panel members on the whole scale. Findings: Based on measurement of effectiveness of organization of materials in academic libraries, 53 items were approved by the Delphi panel to be included in the scale, out of which 52 were among the first draft items, and 1 new item was suggested as an addition

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