
20世纪初,为了维系摇摇欲坠的封建专制统治,清政府立足中国政治传统,放眼世界政治发展潮,将政治革新看成是挽救封建政治体系和实现救亡图存的最后一根救命稻草。在1905年推进的宪政改革中,清政府通过考察立宪政治、颁布宪政法令、设置立宪机构、推动地方自治等措施对封建专制政治体系进行了较为全面地调整,希望能在中国确立起君主立宪制。这次在中国政治发展史上具有重要历史意义的政治改革虽然以失败告终,但它极大地撬动了封建专制政治体系,不仅使中国传统政治文化沐浴到了新鲜之气,而且还大大地推动了中国早期政治现代化的步伐。At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Qing government, based on Chinese political tradition, taking a broad view of the trend of world development, regarded the constitutional politics as the last life-saving straw to achieve the salvation and continue the feudal rule. In the political revolution movement in 1905, the Qing government made a whole adjustment to the feudal autocratic political system by observing the constitutional politics, issuing the constitutional decree, setting constitutional institutions, and encouraging local autonomy, and they hoped to establish a consti-tutional monarchy in China. The superincumbent reform failed, however, it greatly leveraged the feudal autocratic political system, and it not only brought fresh air to the Chinese traditional politics and culture, but also further promoted the process of the early political modernization of China.

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