
The effectiveness of the criminal policy implementation largely depends on the interrelation between legislation, legal theory and practice. On the example of complicity as one of the institutes of criminal law, the article investigates the mechanism of their mutual influence during several historical epochs: since the moment of a radical change in the development of criminal law related to the 1917 Revolution till the present day. The author analyzes changes in the legislation that had taken place during the specified period. It is noted that after it was rejected to provide for an non-exhaustive list of complicity actions in the Criminal Code of 1922 that had been laid down in the 1919 Guiding Principles on the Criminal Law of the RSFSR, all sources of criminal law demonstrate a constant increase in the list of criminalized means of complicity. In the author's opinion, the reason for this is the objective need of jurisprudence, since the variety of public relations (and, accordingly, socially dangerous acts aimed at the destruction of social relations) cannot fit into the legal framework. Such conclusions are confirmed by decisions on specific cases considered by courts of various levels since 1920s and up to the present time. In addition, the main doctrinal standings concerning the issues under consideration are given. Conclusions are drawn with res the possibility of applying individual methods of legislative regulation used by Soviet criminal law to resolve contemporary issues. In particular, using specific socially dangerous acts as examples (assistance in terrorist activities, mediation in bribery, complicity in the illicit sale of narcotic drugs) and taking into account the needs of modern jurisprudence, it is proposed to return to a non-exhaustive list of methods of complicity in the General Part of the Criminal Code.


  • On the example of complicity as one of the institutes of criminal law, the article investigates the mechanism of their mutual influence during several historical epochs: since the moment of a radical change in the development of criminal law related to the 1917 Revolution till the present day

  • It is noted that after it was rejected to provide for an non-exhaustive list of complicity actions in the Criminal Code of 1922 that had been laid down in the 1919 Guiding Principles on the Criminal Law of the RSFSR, all sources of criminal law demonstrate a constant increase in the list of criminalized means of complicity

  • In the author’s opinion, the reason for this is the objective need of jurisprudence, since the variety of public relations cannot fit into the legal framework

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На примере пособничества как одного из институтов уголовного права прослеживается механизм их взаимовлияния на протяжении нескольких исторических эпох: с момента коренного перелома в развитии уголовного права, связанного с революцией 1917 г., до настоящего времени. В частности, на примерах конкретных общественно опасных деяний (содействие террористической деятельности, посредничество во взяточничестве, пособничество в незаконном сбыте наркотических средств) с учетом потребностей современной практики предлагается возврат к закреплению в Общей части Уголовного кодекса открытого перечня способов пособничества. Ключевые слова: соучастие, пособничество, укрывательство, недонесение, содействие террористической деятельности, посредничество во взяточничестве, сбыт наркотических средств, приобретение похищенного имущества, уголовная политика, квалификация. Актуальность исследования института пособничества определяется потребностями современной правоприменительной практики при установлении границ видов соучастников в рамках институтов Общей части УК РФ. В частности, много спорных вопросов вызывают такие составы, как содействие террористической деятельности, посредничество по взяточничестве, пособничество в незаконном сбыте наркотических средств. Нельзя считать устоявшимися и взгляды на разграничение понятий пособничества и соисполнительства применительно ко многим другим преступлениям

Теоретические проблемы отраслей права
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