
《阿房宫赋》是晚唐文人杜牧的作品,作成于唐敬宗宝历元年(公元825年)。这是一篇形式艺术与人文思想俱佳的作品。它甚至得到了“古来之赋,此为第一”的崇高评价。本文将引该赋中的字、句、段落以及古今学者观点以讨论《阿房宫赋》的体裁语言特色及《阿房宫赋》对后世文学的影响。 E Pang Gong Fu was written by Du Mu in the 1st year of Bao Li period of the Tang dynasty (A.D. 825). It is excellent in both language and thought. It had been rated as the best essay in the history of Chinese literature. Here we cited the words, sentences, paragraphs in the E Pang Gong Fu and the perspectives of previous scholars to discuss the language characteristics and the influence of this essay on Chinese literature of later generations.

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