
The article considers the issue of the formation of functional literacy when conducting mathematics lessons in a secondary school, taking into account the use of intrasubject communications. Methodology and research methods. Research is based on a system-structural and activity-based approach. Results. First of all, attention is paid to the consideration of the concept of functional literacy, the question of assessing the level of development of functional literacy and the means to assess this level of development is considered. Examples of specific tasks of an interdisciplinary nature that are used to determine the level of development of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education are given. Formal and substantive approaches in mathematics, the possibilities of their application in the framework of intrasubject communications as a means of developing functional literacy of high school students are considered. The issues of synchronization of educational material as a key element in the implementation of intrasubject communications are considered. The practical significance of the work. The directions of changing approaches to the implementation of intrasubject relations of mathematics with other areas of knowledge as the basis for achieving meta-subject educational results of the Federal State Standard of Basic General Education are revealed. The question of the connection of meta-subject educational results as the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC and the functional literacy of students, as well as means of assessing the level of formation of functional literacy, is considered. Particular attention is paid to mathematical literacy as one of the key components of functional literacy. In this regard, examples of tasks from other subject areas are considered that require the use of mathematical literacy as a component of functional literacy as part of the assessment of subject achievements of students. The main recommendations on the implementation of intrasubject communications to achieve meta-subject educational results are formulated.

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