
The dominant concept of sustainable development in the modern world, which provides for the harmonization of economic, social and environmental components, raises the issue of rational use of all types of natural resources and environmental com-ponents. In this context, the issues of rational water use need special attention for Ukraine. This attention is due to a combina-tion of two aspects: on the one hand, water resources are widely used in social production and to meet the household needs of the population, and on the other -Ukraine is characterized by low water resources potential. The purpose of this study is to con-sider the current state of water use in Ukraine from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development.The paper finds that the dynamics of intake, use and sewerage over the past thirty years is characterized by a general downward trend, which indicates the presence of positive changes in the fieldof water use in Ukraine. The general tendency to reduce water intake is described by the power function, which indicates that the elasticity of water intake from natural objects over time is -0.68%. The study assessed the effectiveness of water resources through the water content of GDP found that for the production of products worth a thousand dollars in Ukraine in 2019 consumed an average of 18.9 m3of water, which far exceeds the characteristics of most economically and technologically advanced countries. In the work on the basis of stochastic factor analysis the model of volumes of return water discharge is calculated, which shows that an increase of one percent of the population leads to an increase in return water discharge by 1.17%, and a percentage increase in industrial production will increase the return discharge by 0.65%.The performed analysis allows us to state that the general efforts in the field of water consumption in Ukraine have a positive vector of orientation, but in the absence of a radical change in the technological base of national production to achieve the goals of sustainable development will not succeed

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