
Aim.The presented study aims to propose new directions for consumer behavior research in the context of marketing as an academic discipline with allowance for current realities. Tasks.The authors examine the evolution of marketing as an academic discipline, identify major trends in its development in the current context, and generate a pool of proposals for new areas of consumer behavior research. Methods.The study of consumer behavior in the marketing problem area is based on a review of scientific works and uses the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization. Results.The conducted analysis shows that marketing practices today are moving into the online space and social networks. New content calls for new approaches to consumer behavior research. A pool of new questions for future research is proposed. Conclusions.The evolution of marketing as a discipline is related to the development of the consumer market. Changes in consumer behavior at the current stage are associated with its transition into the online space and social networks, where rapidly developing marketing practices are ahead of their scientific substantiation. Thus, it is important to study and scientifically substantiate processes that content undergoes.

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