
Purpose: To find main conceptions of the development of high-speed lines in the world, to outline leading countries in the sphere of high-speed railway network construction, to track high-speed railway network construction dynamics, to compare the shares of high-speed railways by individual continents and countries, to define Russia’s place in the sphere of high-speed transport, to outline individual country and continent perspectives for new high-speed line construction and new technology application during construction of the lines in the next decade. Methods: Comparison of construction scales for the outlined high-speed lines by individual countries, graphical analysis of high-speed network growth dynamics in five the most developed by this matter countries. Results: Leading countries in the sphere of high-speed transport network construction are distinguished, relevant values for volumes of existing high-speed network in the world different parts and some countries are presented, a classification of Russia passenger trains depending on the motion speed is given, specificities of organization of high-speed communication in our country are outlined, plans for new high-speed line construction in China, Russia and other countries are expounded, statistical data on high-speed railway spread in the world countries and by individual continents are presented, high-speed network construction dynamics in China, Japan and leading by this matter Europe countries is shown. Practical significance: The given article can serve as a basis for an acquaintance with a relevant status on the matter of existing high-speed railway transport networks, major countries are outlined herein which experience can be taken while creation of high-speed lines in Russia and being based on demonstrated graphical materials, it’s eventual to evaluate real perspectives by the volume of construction of high-speed network nowdays.

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