
The improvement for energy efficiency is generally viewed as an important option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage caused by other pollutants (e.g. NOX,SOX). Moreover, is clearly interwoven with the exploitation of new and innovative technologies through the production process and its consequent paradox, the so called “energy efficiency paradox”. This paradox has recently attracted the interest of researchers and organizations (IEA,OECD) in an attempt to bring to light the source of it, the causalities between the adoption of energy efficient technology (EET) and the behaviour of firms . Three research questions have been examined in the specific Phd Thesis. Our first main research question were examined by formulating and testing the following hypothesis: the decision of the firms to adopt or not EET, is correlated to their profitability. Our second research project develops in two stages. The first stage aims at examining the factors influencing retrieval of information concerning EETs by manufacturing firms, while at the second stage we distinguish between readily available and emerging energy efficiency technologies and examine the factors affecting information acquisition for each one of these two broad sets of technologies. Finally, in order to disentangle firm’s heterogeneity we developed a methodological framework to calculate total factor productivity and its components differences arising from EETs adoption. Our first research question examines the energy efficiency paradox demonstrated in Greek manufacturing firms through a partial observability approach. Maximum likelihood estimates that arise from an incidental truncation model reveal that the adoption of the energy saving technologies is indeed strongly correlated to the returns of assets that are required in order to undertake the corresponding investments. The source of the energy efficiency paradox lies within a wide range of factors. Policy schemes that aim to increase the adoption rate of energy saving technologies within the field of manufacturing are significantly affected by differences in the size of firms. Finally, mixed policies seem to be more effective than polices that are only capital subsidy or regulation oriented. Answering the second research question, we aim to redefine the notion of awareness regarding the adoption of EETs. In a second stage we explore the crucial factors that affect the information level of EET adopters, distinguishing between epidemic and emerging technologies information. Our empirical findings reveal that the main factor that exerts positive influence on the level of information acquired by the firms may be encompassed in a set of variables that reflect what may be called a “business culture” regarding the EET Finally, we examined the impact of EETs adoption to Greek manufacturing firms operating under heterogeneous technology sets and we measured the components of total factor productivity (TFP) and its components arising from scale and technological differences. In order to examine our research questions we formulate a unique database. Our database came to light from the necessity of the Greek government to conserve energy in manufacturing and to reduce dangerous emissions in order to meet the criteria of the Kyoto Protocol. An extensive questionnaire was addressed to the 298 firms across the country that adopt EETs that have been subsidized from (i) the Support Frameworks for Regional and Industrial Development, (ii) the Energy Operational Program (OPE), which was part of the second European Union Support Framework (1994-2000) and (iii) the Operational Program ‘Competitiveness’, which is part of the third European Union Support Framework (2000-2006). Finally, 161 of them agreed to be interviewed on the basis of the questionnaire. Face to face interviews took place in the first six months of 2004. Additional data derived from ICAP financial database.

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