
The article provides a critical review of the principles of regulating the activities of insurance companies in Ukraine, taking into account the latest legislative and regulatory changes. Emphasis is placed on the importance of studying the impact of regulatory measures on the performance of insurance companies. The insurance companies effectiveness dependence on the regulatory measures effectiveness is emphasized. The analysis of separate indicators of insurance companies activity against the same indicators of other subjects of the financial market and world tendencies is carried out, in particular: number of insurance companies in Ukraine against other subjects of the non-bank financial institutions market; assets of insurance companies in Ukraine against the background of assets of non-banking financial institutions; the level of insurance penetration in Ukraine against the background of global data; the level of gross and net insurance payments in Ukraine against the same background of Poland; ROA indicator of insurance companies of Ukraine and Poland. The identified trends are assessed. The reasons for the identified problems and negative trends in the dynamics of selected indicators in the context of the impact of regulatory measures on them are explained. Conclusions are made about the need for conceptual changes in the processes of regulating the activities of insurance companies using a stricter system of state regulation, which will bring the domestic market to a new qualitative and quantitative level. The study was carried out on the border of the time range of the regulatory model change – 2017-2020, which necessitates further research in this area and comparison of the set indicators before and after the change of the regulatory model of the insurance market in Ukraine.

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