
The article examines the problems of modernization of enterprises as an important prerequisite for ensuring their efficient and competitive development in the long run. The factors that determine the relevance and necessity of modernization of Ukrainian enterprises are systematized. Emphasis is placed on the importance of implementing projects for comprehensive modernization of industrial enterprises of Ukraine, the moral and physical deterioration of production assets, which has crossed critical limits and has become an important reason for reducing the competitiveness of their products. It is proved that modernization is directly related to innovation-oriented solutions in the technological, organizational, managerial, economic and social spheres of the enterprise and is aimed at the development and realization of its economic potential in the long run. The essence of the concept of «modernization of the enterprise» is revealed, its main features are systematized. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the modernization of the enterprise involves its transition to a new quality, not just recovery, development of new competitive advantages that will strengthen the company’s stability in the market in the long run and create conditions for intensifying self-development. The directions, purposes and tools of modernization of the enterprise are defined. The system of competitive advantages of the enterprise which is provided by modernization is characterized. The priority directions and tools of modernization of the Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of limited resources of their development are substantiated. It is proved that despite the contradictory processes of socio-economic transformations in Ukraine, low rates and quality of economic growth over a long period, the country’s opportunities in the field of innovation development remain high. The fundamental problem of modernization of enterprises is the problem of investment support, which is complex and associated with low efficiency of the institutional environment. It is proposed to consider the processes of modernization of domestic enterprises in the context of reindustrialization of the country’s industrial complex. The implementation of such a task requires not only indirect state participation, but also direct, which involves the development of specific mechanisms to stimulate modernization processes.

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