
Various paradoxical means of narrative that questions the motivation of writing 『Yipianqing』, which is a sympathy towards women who are dissatisfied with their marriage life under the paradox of the marriage system, the equivocal conclusion on the unfaithful women, the hysterical obsession in defense against women"s adultery and the admittance of women"s lust and justification of affair at the same time, the setting of imputing all responsibilities of women"s affair and destruction of family to the man, and feeling serious fear of losing one"s face and life damage from the wife"s affair are the characteristics of『Yipianqing』 that differ from erotic novels, of the time. Such characteristics have a close correlation with the social atmosphere of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, when the prevalence of commercial economic development and prosperity of the city culture, the almighty dollar principle, and the extravagance are rampant in the overall society, resulting in perturbation of feudalist system and even destruction of ethical senses. Dissipated sex culture derived from the upper class deeply proliferated in the commoner"s life culture, and the Chinese society at the time resembled “an orgy of sexual indulgence”. Nevertheless, obsession with traditional values and orders coexisted as well. Various paradoxical narratives expressed by the author of 『Yipianqing』 are the aspect of Chinese social culture of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties , when the values of abstinence and self-indulgence coexisted to form a complex sex culture, and are reflected as complicated male psychology and marriage dilemma in 『Yipianqing』.

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