
The research was carried out for the purpose of comparative assessment of technologies for cultivating grain crops when introducing fallow lands into agricultural use. The work was carried out in 2016-2019 in Nizhny Novgorod region. The experimental design involved studying the following options: cultivation technology (factor A) - traditional (plowing in the fall to a depth of 22...24 cm with a Rade reversible plow + disking PM-6.4 at 12...14 cm + sowing with a RapidA 600C seeding unit); mini-till (disking PM-6.4 by 12...14 cm in 2 tracks + sowing with a RapidA 600C seeding unit); no-till (treatment with Tornado 500 herbicide at a dose of 3.0 l/ha + sowing with a Gherardi seeder); mineral fertilizers (factor B) – without fertilizers; nitrogen fertilizers (N50); green manure (factor C) – without green manure; sowing white mustard. Without green manure and fertilizers on light gray forest soil at the beginning of the growing season of grain crops (oats, barley, spring wheat, winter wheat), the total infestation of crops against the background of traditional cultivation technology was 25...34 pcs./m2, with mini-till technology - 42...49 pcs./m2, no-till - 119...194 pcs./m2, and when applying nitrogen fertilizers - 29...42, 42...56 and 116...168 pcs./m2, respectively. The use of white mustard as green manure reduced the overall weediness of crops using all technologies, both on unfertilized and fertilized backgrounds. Reducing the depth of tillage using green manure fallow against the background of N50 contributed to a decrease in the weediness of grain crops at the beginning of the growing season in the direction from traditional to mini-till and no-till technologies. By the time of harvesting, the infestation of crops decreased on all backgrounds. On light gray forest soil during fallow reclamation, traditional and minimal cultivation technologies provide higher total productivity of grain crops than with no-till technology. For green manure fallow without fertilizers it is higher than without green manure by 15.8...17.8%, with N50 - by 9.4...12.6%.

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