
The paper addresses the concept of object in analytic philosophy. It does not present a full review of this concept in philosophy, but only clarifies the difference the in views of some philosophers on this issue; the author defines and formulates their own understanding in this matter. The works of G. Frege had a significant influence on E. Husserl (prompting him to abandon the psychology in the philosophy of mathematics and logic), B. Russell, and L. Wittgenstein as well as on generations of scientists of the 20th century, largely determining the shape of modern logic. According to G. Frege, the ignorance of the logic of natural language and the structure of its semantic content is a major and primary cause of paradoxes and contradictions in philosophical arguments. Theoretical philosophy of the late 19th – early 20th centuries influenced the formation of the modern philosophy of language, speaking against psychology and speculative idealism.

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