
Trump shipping, despite large quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of the world fleet, the
 emergence of new forms of organization of maritime transport, continues to be one of the most important elements
 of international trade. The global freight market for tramp tonnage is a market of perfect competition for
 the following reasons: a large number of sellers and buyers of homogeneous products independently operate
 on it; each of them cannot significantly affect the level of freight rates and has fairly complete information
 about prices and costs. Due to the fact that tramp ships are not associated with a specific navigation area and
 go where there is a need, the tramp market is sensitive to changes in supply and demand, it is characterized by
 significant fluctuations in freight rates. In this regard, the research topic is relevant.
 Within the framework of the article, the authors propose a methodical approach to determining the possible
 range of freight rates in tramp shipping, taking into account the input parameters of the upcoming voyage and
 the current state of the freight market. The practical calculations carried out allowed us to conclude that today
 for ships of the size "Handymax" in the geographical section of the Black Sea-Mediterranean Sea, the gap
 between the minimum and maximum possible freight rates for ships of the same age can reach four dollars per
 1 ton of cargo

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