
The article defines the essence of strategic logistics and logistics strategy, systematizes the characteristics of economic and logistics systems, substantiates the scheme of development of corporate strategy of logistics system, identifies strategies for managing the supply of logistics systems, defines the mechanism of strategic planning in the field of supply. It is established that the strategies of vertical integration in the process of interaction with suppliers are based on the acquisition of suppliers' business in order to enter new markets and develop new areas of activity. Strategies of strategic partnership are to develop strategic forms of interaction with suppliers of goods and services (outsourcing, strategic alliances, alliances, etc.) in order to minimize the overall costs of the logistics system and the highest quality satisfaction of end users. Cost minimization strategies are based on procurement management from the standpoint of minimizing the cost of purchasing goods, ie here the main point when choosing a source of supply is the lowest price with the most complete range of related services. Logistics, in our opinion, in modern society is a means of achieving strategic goals of enterprises through the coordination of flow processes and cross-functional integration. In turn, many scientists divide logistics into two main types: basic and innovative. The most important component of innovation logistics is strategic, which is the science and practice of building the logistics potential of various flow control systems by developing long-term programs of innovative transformations within the outlined paradigm of their strategic development. In the case of implementation of supply strategies, the goals of the logistics strategy will be achieved by solving a set of tasks to strengthen cross-functional and inter-organizational integration and (or) coordination by: introduction of a logistics information system, without which it is impossible to implement strategies of the supply process; cost optimization at all stages of the promotion of flow processes; raising the levels of customer service quality indicators.

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