
The trade union right is one of the most important social and civil rights that the most constitutions seek to guarantee. Trade and professional unions have played a key role in protecting workers' rights by defending the rights and interests of workers who belonging to them, and trade unions have played an important role in providing a link between public authorities or administration on the one hand, and workers on the other, and trade unions' public position has been strengthened through its objectives that sought to achieve in promoting adequate guarantees for workers to exercise and enjoy their rights. It is not secret that oil unions have played an important role in protecting oil workers by attempting to communicate workers' voices in petroleum license round contracts and obtaining their rights from foreign companies working for them, as well as the oil and gas workers who work in the private sector. However, a lack of organization and coordination among them in efforts to protect oil workers has resulted in a clear weakness and fragmentation in the work of trade unions, and thus led to loss.

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