
The aim of the study is to consider issues related to the definition of public danger and the object of smuggling of strategically important goods and resources as a crime under Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the positions of individual researchers on these issues. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the general scientific theory of knowledge; the method of comparative analysis and the logical-legal method of cognition were also used. The latter was used for a more accurate understanding of the norms of Russian criminal legislation, their analysis, as well as for the interpretation of the main provisions reflected in the legal literature. As a result, the author questions the correctness of the placement of the smuggling of strategically important goods and resources in Chapter 24, Crimes Against Public Security, of Section IX, Crimes Against Public Security and Public Order: in cases of smuggling of strategically important goods and resources, the procedure for movement established in the international treaties and legislation of the Russian Federation always suffers directly, while, taking into account the possibility of further distribution of smuggled objects in the event of an untimely suppression of these objects' illegal movement, public security is only endangered but does not suffer directly. The legislator establishes the qualification of smuggling of strategically important goods and resources in large volumes as exceeding one million rubles, which confirms that the public danger of this crime is determined by economic indicators. The author proves that smuggling of strategically important goods and resources harms public relations in the economic sphere rather than public relations that ensure public security. The conclusion is formulated that the totality of social relations that ensure the normal functioning and development of the economy should be considered as the main generic object of this crime. The direct object of smuggling of strategically important goods and resources is the procedure established by the international treaties and legislation of the Russian Federation for moving strategically important goods and resources through the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union or the state border of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. Criminal liability for smuggling of strategically important goods and resources is proposed to be provided for in a separate article, which should be placed in Section VIII, Crimes in the Economic Sphere, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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