
The article is devoted to clarifying the problem of ensuring continuity in the gradual development of the child's personality in the system of preschool and primary education. The content of the main competencies defined in the normative documents that make up the new life competence of the preschooler is analyzed. It is shown that continuity in the system of preschool and primary education is ensuring the continuity of human education. The peculiarities of primary school student's educational activity are outlined, their characteristic is offered (formation of culture of primary school student's educational activity; emergence and development of new social relations in dyad "child-adult"; formation of personal culture basis. A comparison of the competencies presented in the Basic Component of Preschool Education (State Standard of Primary Education), which form the basis of the life competence of a preschooler, is proposed. It is shown that their content fully reflects the implementation of the principle of continuity in the organization of the educational process both in preschool education and primary school system. The optimal organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of life competence of a preschool child are identified and characterized as: clear knowledge and consideration in practice of age and individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool children and primary school children; the image of the preschool institution and its educational services is formed; the structural and functional model of life competence of the preschooler-junior schoolboy is developed. The structural-functional model contains three blocks - target or theoretical-oriented; practice-oriented or content-procedural; effective or diagnostic-corrective; a brief semantic description of each of these blocks is proposed.

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