
The article deals with the grammatical aspect of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language (UAFL). The theoretical principles and foundations that are relevant for the UAFL teaching methods at the advanced stage of training have been analyzed; the practical use of these considerations, based on the material of the Ukrainian language textbook for the first-year foreign students of non-philological specialties at higher educational establishments of Ukraine, have been examined. Grammar takes the main place in the formation of a foreign communicative competence. The construction of a relevant model for teaching the foreign language grammar is an actual methodological problem that has become the object of research by scholars and practical teachers. The tasks of pedagogical grammar are the evaluation of linguistic grammar from the theoretical point of view, the selection of foundations that are potentially useful for language learning, their interpretation and transformation into educational information, the search of its presentation forms, the establishment of a sequence of learning language units, predetermined by the purposes and conditions of studies. A complex of syntactic structures, united by one meaning, has been presented with the help of a universal structure – a speech sample. The speech sample is a concretization of the extended structure of the sentence. As the complex speech sample represents the unity of meaning and form, the description and structuring of the educational material on the basis of complex speech patterns allow us to connect the semantic aspect of speech with its formal organization. The combination of deductive and inductive methods in teaching grammar increases the effectiveness of mastering the grammar system. Communicative orientation of language learning requires such a description of the grammatical aspect and such instruction in grammar that would make it an instrument of communication and transform it into a speech activity instrument. When selecting the grammar material, we should take into account its prevalence in a particular sphere, the use of grammatical phenomena, their stylistic neutrality and typicality. An important condition for the formation of grammatical skills is the correct selection of tasks at all stages of training. The automation of grammatical skills is more effective if the lexical content of exercises does not complicate the training task. The expedient sequence of tasks should start from sufficiently light to those that require greater intellectual and speech effort. The necessity of grammar knowledge will be obvious to the student if its study becomes communicatively-motivated, if the ability of each language unit to participate in real speech communication has been shown. The complicated grammar system of the Ukrainian language, which belongs to inflectional languages with a complex prepositional-case system, requires from foreigners considerable efforts to study it, and makes teachers focus on the grammatical aspect in the process of teaching UAFL. Language competence provides not only the students with the developed skills of automatic speech actions performance, but also the comprehension of a number of linguistic phenomena, requires awareness of the construction pattern of the Ukrainian language grammar system. An effective way of systematizing and presenting grammar material on the semantic-syntactic basis according to the logical and semantic principle has been proposed within the functional grammar framework. The above-mentioned principles and considerations that are relevant in teaching the Ukrainian language have been implemented in the manual “Ukrainian language: textbook for the first-year foreign students of non-philological specialties”.

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