
Armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, loss of important industrial potentials, as Topaz state-owned holding company, which specialized in the development and production of complex radio engineering systems and complexes, including unique long-range radio intelligence systems and early warning of air defense systems, Kolchuga radio intelligence has given a significant impetus to the development of new approaches to conducting radio monitoring of the situation, as one of the main tion method of obtaining information. Such a complex type of technical activity as radio monitoring requires considerable effort to maintain it in readiness. The continuous provision of radio monitoring by the required number of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in determining the type of radio source requires considerable effort to find and train them. Training of a specialist in this class takes at least 1-1.5 years and significant financial costs. Solving the scientific task of automating the process of detection and recognition is one of the priority areas for the development of radio monitoring. Modern radio monitoring character of functioning is divided into 2 groups: active, which allows to identify and detect non-functioning sources of radio emission; passive, allowing you to identify and recognize functioning radio sources. The basis for the operation of passive radio monitoring is the detection of signal transmitting messages (such as air traffic control signal) and the recognition of the parameters of the powerful signals of onboard, ship and ground radar stations. The informative nature of the radio source signal for radio monitoring facilities depends on how reliably the signal is detected and how accurately (accurately) its parameters are determined, which are useful for the intelligence of the message or value. Since signal monitoring always occurs against a background of all sorts of obstacles, the fact of detecting a signal, as well as errors in measuring signal parameters and message selection are always random. The article deals with the actual scientific task of automating the process of detection and recognition of radio sources, by developing a decision support system for determining the type of sources of radio radiation by its signal parameters in the interests of the state monitoring system, which provides guidance to the MTS-Kolchuga RTR operators the choice of the most likely variant of the decision that will reduce the qualification requirements for the operators, which will significantly reduce the financial and time costs for their preparation.

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