
以硫铁矿尾矿砂河滩垫地上栽植的受不同程度铜、硫危害的初果期苹果树为试材,研究了土壤中不同铜、硫含量对初果期苹果树叶片生长和果实品质的影响。结果表明:春梢旺长期生长正常树、轻度受害树、重度受害树的叶面积分别为20.91、14.20、8.28 cm2;展叶后生长正常树、轻度受害树、重度受害树叶片铜含量分别为19.0、20.0、21.3 mg·kg–1,分别是春梢停长期的4.25、4.67、3.18倍。轻度受害树和重度受害树叶片硫含量在秋梢停长期达到最高,分别为4812.5、8324.8 mg·kg–1;生长正常树叶片硫含量在春梢停长期达到最高,为2839.6 mg·kg–1。生长正常树的单株产量、单果重分别为6.21 kg、194.6 g,是轻度受害树的1.86倍、1.22倍,是重度受害树的51.75倍、1.62倍;轻度受害树和重度受害树果实的可溶性固形物含量为17.00%、18.30%,极显著高于生长正常树;重度受害树的果实硬度为13.5 kg/cm2,极显著高于轻度受害树和生长正常树。 The young bearing apple trees which were planted in the flood land filled by pyrite ironsand harmed by copper and sulfur in different degrees were used as materials to study the effects of different soil copper and sulfur contents on leaf growth and fruit quality of young bearing apple trees. The results showed that leaf areas of normal trees, the mildly affected trees and the severely affected trees in shoot growth rapidly period in spring were 20.91, 14.20, 8.28 cm2. The leaf copper contents of normal trees, the mildly affected trees and the severely affected trees in leaf expansion period were 19.0, 20.0, 21.3 mg·kg–1, and the contents were 4.25, 4.67, 3.18 times as high as that in vernal shoot retardation period. The leaf sulfur contents of the mildly affected trees and the severely affected trees were 4812.5, 8324.8 mg·kg–1 at the maximum in the autumn shoot retarda-tion period. The leaf sulfur content of normal trees in leaf expansion period was 2839.6 mg·kg–1 at the maxi-mum in vernal shoot retardation period. Yield per plant and single fruit weight of normal trees were 6.21 kg, 194.6 g, and were 1.86, 1.22 times of the mildly affected trees and were 51.75, 1.62 times of the severely affected trees. Soluble solids content of the mildly affected trees and the severely affected trees were 17.00%, 18.30%, and were significantly higher than that of normal trees. Fruit firmness of the severely affected trees was 13.5 kg/cm2, and significantly higher than that of the mildly affected trees and normal trees.

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