
The aim of the research is to study the features of ethno-confessional identity of students of secular and religious (islamic) educational institutions. Methods . Questionnaire survey, technique “Who am I?” technique “Incomplete sentences”, technique “Scaling”. Result . The studies carried out on representative selection a case study of students of secular and religious educational institutions reveal the features of manifestation of religious identity of students of secular and religious (islamic) educational institutions. Conclusion . The study of ethno-religious identity of students of secular and islamic educational institutions of Dagestan show both similarities and differences in the manifestation of their identity. Th e similarity is in the dominance of the subjects of both groups of ethnic and religious identity over the regional, all-Russian and gender role. Revealed in our study differences in identity among students due to the fact that religious identity of the students of religious (islamic) universities operates differentiately (Muslim, servant of Allah from the Ummah of Muhammad) than their peers in secular educational institutions, as well as a weak expression in the first (religious group) of civil identity.

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