
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.從世界範園看,代際公平早已經是一個與養老金改革、醫療資源配置等問題深度捆綁的核心議題。代際公平危機首先凸顯在養老金赤字上,並進一步危及到社會養老保險制度的公平性,危及到養老保障制度的基礎--代際契約。就倫理層面而言,如何在老齡化的壓力重構代際契約成為決定代際公平辯論走向的關鍵。本文擬簡述目前在代際公平辯論中佔主導地位的解釋範式,並批判性地審查其倫理意蘊與局限性。在此基礎上,本文擬提供一種基於儒家倫理思想的替代性的解釋範式。本文試圖論證儒家倫理及其蘊含的代際契約不僅為解決代際公平問題提供了新的思路,而且也為當前中國養老制度改革提供一些重要的政策建議。From a global perspective, generational equity has long been a core issue in pension reform and medical resource allocation. Indeed, discussion of generational equity involves a financial crisis related to pension deficits and the fairness of the pension system, which is a crisis that threatens the ethical foundation of the social insurance institution, i.e., the intergenerational contract. From an ethical perspective, how to reconstruct the intergenerational contract under the pressure of aging is crucial to the debate on generational equity. This study critically examines the dominant framework of the debate on generational equity and proposes an alternative interpretation framework based on Confucian ethics. Finally, this study argues that Confucian ethics and the interpretation of the intergenerational contract not only shed new light on the issue of generational equity but also provide important policy implications for the current pension system reform in China.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 33 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.


  • From a global perspective, generational equity has long been a core issue in pension reform and medical resource allocation

  • Discussion of generational equity involves a financial crisis related to pension deficits and the fairness of the pension system, which is a crisis that threatens the ethical foundation of the social insurance institution, i.e., the intergenerational contract

  • How to reconstruct the intergenerational contract under the pressure of aging is crucial to the debate on generational equity

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Generational equity has long been a core issue in pension reform and medical resource allocation. Discussion of generational equity involves a financial crisis related to pension deficits and the fairness of the pension system, which is a crisis that threatens the ethical foundation of the social insurance institution, i.e., the intergenerational contract. How to reconstruct the intergenerational contract under the pressure of aging is crucial to the debate on generational equity.

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