
The article highlights the components of the future teacher of natural and mathematical subjects' readiness for the use of visualization technologies in the educational process of the secondary school (motivational-value, cognitive, operational-activity, practical-activity, reflexive-evaluation). According to the components outlined, criteria are set and indicators through which the relevant criteria are reflected. Indicators of motivational value criterion include the desire to: realize the importance of using visualization technologies in the educational process; overcoming difficulties and volitional efforts in the process of introducing visualization technologies in the educational process; interest in acquiring knowledge, skills and skills in mastering new tools of visualization technologies and mastering new forms of learning using these technologies; display of creativity in solving professional problems. The cognitive criterion is represented by indicators of knowledge: psychological and age characteristics of pupils' perception of visual materials; didactic potential of imaging technologies; methods and rules of structuring, compaction and principles of distribution of educational material; the basics of design (rules and techniques of composition and color); classification of online visualization tools for use in the learning process; the system of requirements that the visualization used in the educational process must meet. The indicators of the operational-instrumental criterion include the following skills: effective presentation of educational material by creating cognitive visual anchors and visual metaphors; store received and processed visual information in an appropriate form; to transmit information for collective use in a clear visual way and in different visual formats; create your own visuals; apply a system of requirements for the creation of visual content; possess a wide range of tools. The practical-activity criterion is represented by the ability to: use visualization technologies in the process of lesson design, to adapt the ready didactic visual aids to the content and purpose of the lesson, the contingent of students; create objective tasks on ready-made visual materials, etc .; to justify the pedagogical expediency of using visualization technologies in the lesson; organize educational, research, reflexive and other activities of students with their use; to provide students with assistance appropriate to their needs. The last criterion is a reflexive evaluation, which requires a critical assessment of: the feasibility of forms and methods of teaching based on visualization technologies for their use in the educational process; the quality of their own preparation for the use of visualization technologies in the educational process and identifying ways to improve this training; monitoring of new methods and tools for creating visual materials; systematic correction of their own preparation for the use of visualization technologies in subject learning.


  • The article highlights the components of the future teacher of natural and mathematical subjects' readiness for the use of visualization technologies in the educational process of the secondary school

  • The cognitive criterion is represented by indicators of knowledge: psychological and age characteristics of pupils' perception of visual materials; didactic potential of imaging technologies; methods and rules of structuring, compaction and principles of distribution of educational material; the basics of design; classification of online visualization tools for use in the learning process; the system of requirements that the visualization used in the educational process must meet

  • The practical-activity criterion is represented by the ability to: use visualization technologies in the process of lesson design, to adapt the ready didactic visual aids to the content and purpose of the lesson, the contingent of students; create objective tasks on ready-made visual materials, etc .; to justify the pedagogical expediency of using visualization technologies in the lesson; organize educational, research, reflexive and other activities of students with their use; to provide students with assistance appropriate to their needs

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У статті висвітлено компоненти готовності майбутнього вчителя природничоматематичних дисциплін до застосування технологій візуалізації в освітньому процесі загальноосвітньої школи (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивний, операційно-діяльнісний, практично-діяльнісний, рефлексивно-оцінювальний). Мета статті полягає в обґрунтуванні критеріїв та показників визначення рівня готовності майбутніх учителів природничо-математичних дисциплін до використання технологій візуалізації у практиці навчання.

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