
The article is devoted to the set of signs and consequences of unstable employment, expressed in the desire and readiness to find abnew job with better working conditions. The article identifies two groups of factors that affect the probability of finding another job: 1)ba set of social and labor characteristics; 2)bа personal desire for professional and career growth. The willingness to change the place of work is manifested through the individual response of the working person to the working and living conditions. The search for abbetter job is most often prompted by such undesirable social and labor factors as employment without ablabor contract, underemployment or flexible work schedule, temporary nature of work, availability of additional work and overtime, dissatisfaction with working conditions, lack of labor safety guarantees, discrepancy between the place of permanent residence and the place of work (shift work, pendulum migration), etc. Abstimulating factor in the search for abbetter job is also the desire for professional or career growth. According to our research, employed respondents who believe that their level of education and qualifications allow them to perform more difficult work are more likely to search for another, namely abbetter job.

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