
The purpose of the article consists in that, to attract attention of modern scientists in sphere of philosophy of right to labours of Ukrainian philosophical school of 1960th in area of general philosophy and philosophical gnosiology, and also to show that a number of positions of gnosiology of right are the constituents of corresponding positions of philosophical gnosiology, and that dialectical intercommunications of legal gnosiology with legal anthropology, praxeology, axiology and ontology predefined by dialectical intercommunications of philosophical gnosiology with philosophical anthropology, praxeology, axiology and ontology. Some researchers examine the copulas of legal gnoseology with other components of legal philosophy, foremost with legal ontology (in particular, А. М. Bernjukov, М. М. Proxhorov, О. С. Тarasov), but a legal gnoseology has dialectical copulas also with legal anthropology, praxeology and axiology. V. . Кuzmenko analyses a question about unity of legal ontology, anthropology, axiology and gnosiology, however only in connection with philosophical-legal conception of Thomas Aquinas, it is necessary to set a question wider. Methodology. Research methods are predefined by his character. Dialectical and system-structural methods, methods of logic, are used in the article foremost. The scientific novelty of the article is to attract the attention of modern specialists on the philosophy of law to the achievements of the Ukrainian school of 1960-ies because they can and should be extended to the philosophy of law and legal gnosiology in particular. Organic intercommunications of legal gnosiology with other major sections of the philosophy of law due to the presence of the organic interrelations of philosophical gnosiology with appropriate disciplines. Conclusions. Specialists in philosophy of law must deeper explore the heritage of Ukrainian philosophers of the sixties and the dialectics of legal anthropology, praxeology, axiology, ontology and gnosiology. Keywords: gnosiology of right; philosophical gnosiology; philosophy of right; legal cognition; subject; object; truth; theory; idea; dialectics.

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