
The article examines that in recent decades, armed conflicts of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in an attempt to identify one of the key ideas of the «sixth generation wars» – forcing the enemy to peace by striking with high-precision weapons, «disarming». The influence of further improvement of high-precision weapons on the nature, forms and methods of armed struggle of the future is also considered. In the field of military technology, the transition to a new level of development of electronic means and systems, are actively used in the armies of the world’s leading countries to equip them with qualitatively new weapons. Recently local conflicts and military actions more often provide for a long-term and become difficult to regulate. At the beginning of the third millennium AD, according to the experts researchings, were fixed more than 70 conflicts,which shoked the World society, in 23 countries the war has begun, in 25 contries the level of danger got dangerous mark, when the opponents were in readiness to start a conflict, in 24 countries were fixed dangerous rising of military activity. To make it clear, we will pay attention on fact,that high precision weapons (HPW) – its contoled on the flight path means of defeat, in normal (non-nuclear) orderly, functionally connected with the loop of informational supply of it planning and exploitation, combat management and connection,what supply during first strike an opportunity to chose hight probable of destroying target by the way of directly strike in its weak element or destructing the combat part in guidanted zone of defeat in all diapason of calculated conditions of combat use. The key role in the implementation of the precision weapons play homing heads (HH). The termin of HPW is connected with conception,which got a name «strike-defeat» abroad. The weapon, which created according to this conception,may defeat target with hight probable on any distance,which is located in its diapason. In the meantime, with using of the results of high technologies in creation of new weapons and military equpment, we have got an opportunity to make massive strategic strikes by the new weapon on any distances on land,in air,at sea and in space.Besides, HPW is close to the tactical nuclear weapon and sometimes even better,if we compare effecticy of defeat targets. That is why using of HPW on military objects,objects of economy could paralise activity of any country,and after destroing of dangerous objects it could start an ecology crisis. The purpose of the article is analisis of develop of means of armed confrontation in 21 age, their effect on changes of the ways of war maintenance in nowday, creation of ways of effective use of camouflage and protection of hight precision weapon during service of mobile groups of security of state board.On the base of this information how to predict and improve the ways of development of art of war. Keywords: high-precision weapon, homing head, anti-aircraft missile system and anti-aircraft missile system, reconnaissance and strike complex and reconnaissance and strike system.

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