
In the article the author's definition of «business environment». Presented by the features of the business environment, such as the business environment is part of the social environment and ideally serves the increase of national wealth and prosperity. Determined classification of the business environment in the following classification criteria: in relation to the activities of businesses; the level of aggregation; the level of intensity of the interaction between the company and its environment; the level of risk; the nature of the business impact; in terms materialize; the level of government intervention; openness; and the level of dynamism; on functional grounds; the method of coordination of economic activities; the degree of industrial and economic development. An evaluation sequence business environment. The mechanism of the relationship factors of business environment where businesses are participating economic actors: the company, competitors, suppliers, customers, contact groups, intermediaries. Defined and described integral indicator of the relationship of the enterprise and business environment. Are the main reasons that hinder the development of the business environment in Ukraine. The rating of Ukraine and similar economies index «Doing Business» 2017 and Ukraine's position on the main points of the rating «Doing Business». An index of economic policy on SMEs in Ukraine and scores Ukraine Index of economic policy on SMEs in 2016. Presented a SWOT-analysis of small and medium businesses.

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