
Aim. To study the medical and social aspects of contraception and their relationship with premature termination of pregnancy. Materials and methods. In accordance with the goal, the following materials were identified as the study material: official reporting information on the health of the population of the Tyumen region and the activities of organizations for 2016-2018; data from a questionnaire survey of 486 patients of the antenatal clinic GBUZ TO “Maternity hospital № 1 and № 3”, Tyumen, who decided to terminate the pregnancy by artificial abortion. Results. According to the results of a survey of 486 women, a low awareness of women in contraceptive issues was revealed (206 women have no idea about contraception). Of the respondents, 332 women (68.3%) believe that abortion is an integral part of a woman’s life, while 325 women (66.8%) do not use contraception, preferring abortion as a means of birth control and use contraception – 161 women (33.1% of the number of respondents). From those who do not use contraception – 29.8 of% do not trust similar methods, 28.3% kept hope that pregnancy nevertheless does not happen, 19.6% are afraid of emergence of side effects as contraception is unhealthy, 12.5% referred to lack of information on means and methods of contraception, 5.2% indicate high cost of contraceptives, 4.6% claim that contraception is unnatural. At the same time, in 74.2% of cases (352 women) there were various complications of abortion: 30.8% of women surveyed have post-abortion syndrome, menstrual cycle disorder in 10.0% of respondents, severe bleeding during abortion was observed by 8.4% of respondents, endometritis as a consequence of abortion in 4.8% of respondents, inflammation of uterine appendages in 4.5% and pelvioperitonitis as a consequence of abortion in 1.6% of respondents. Conclusion. The low awareness of women (42.3% of the total number of respondents) about the means and methods of contraception indicates wide opportunities for preventive work among women of childbearing age. Given the fairly high level of education of women (higher education – 38.1% of respondents, secondary special education – 52.0% of respondents, secondary general education – 9.9% of women surveyed), regulating pregnancy through abortion, it seems promising to explain this group of women the possibilities of using more modern and effective contraceptives than barrier and physiological methods.

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