
This article examines the principles on which the successful development of the personnel development strategy is based, with its main element - talent management, as well as its relationship to the overall business strategy of the organization. The person simultaneously acts as the object and the subject of management. To date, the growing role of man is due to the rapid development of the surrounding world, its transition to an information society for which time and knowledge are the greatest achievements in competition. Modern society is a complex multifunctional system. Therefore, one fact remains unchanged: workers are the basis of any enterprise, and their significance is reinforced by strategic competitive advantages of the enterprise, which are largely based on the applying necessary knowledge, skills and competencies in the changing business environment. The authors consider the approaches to the process of forming the personnel development strategy in an organization, and the relationship between business strategies and private strategies. The article also describes the main economic instruments and principles used in the drafting the personnel development strategy. The article defines the need to develop a talent management system that brings the human element to business strategy and business planning, giving people the close attention that they deserve. Russian organizations are increasingly interested in managing talented employees. Although so far the introduction and application of these solutions still remains the lot of large companies that have the capacity to grow additional human resources capabilities, as well as possessing a stable base of personnel management. However, in recent years, the demand for automation of talent management processes has increased several times. The demand for highly qualified employees and managers that is increasing with the market does not meet the offer. Effectively formed and implemented talent management as an element of the personnel development strategy is the guarantor of a purposeful and pre-conceived process of using and developing employees in order to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise.

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