
In the conditions of the Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine, the peculiarities of Russian geostrategy in the post-Soviet space appear to be a topical issue. The purpose of the study is to determine the geopolitical influence of Russia and its implementation of geo-strategic interests in the post-Soviet space, and to investigate the negative influence of Russian foreign policy and its geostrategy as a whole on the architecture of the European security and the modern world order. Applying systematic, analytical and comparative methods, the author makes a disappointing conclusion that, in its present form and with the current leadership, Russia is not capable of constructive action in the international environment, and on the contrary – destabilizes the modern system of international relations. As a result of the study, the author identifies current Russia as a threat to international peace and security, a neo-imperialist aggressive force, a terrorist state that is planning a destructive transformation of the modern system of international relations. The findings revealed a number of characteristic features of the Russian Federation's recent intersection of frozen conflicts in the post-Soviet space in the context of the implementation of its geostrategic tasks of global scale. Among them: the insidious, aggressive, reflexive nature of most foreign-policy activities and actions, obscene attempts to position itself as one of the “poles” of the post-bipolar world, false propaganda designed to disguise as concrete aggressions, and the general direction of geo-strategy on the revision of the international order, is obvious blackmail and intimidation of the world community by the destructiveness of further foreign policy actions. At the same time, the author comes to the conclusion that the causes of the aggressive foreign policy of Russia in the post-bipolar period are laid down in the nature of Putinism as the quintessence of traditional Russian expansionism, imperial chauvinism, and criminal contempt for the norms of international law. The author's discovery is the outline of a new stage in the escalation of the RF hybrid aggression against Ukraine.


  • The Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine in the context of the Russian geostrategy in the post-Soviet space

  • The purpose of the study is to determine the geopolitical influence of Russia and its implementation of geo-strategic interests in the post-Soviet space, and to investigate the negative influence of Russian foreign policy and its geostrategy as a whole on the architecture of the European security and the modern world order

  • The findings revealed a number of characteristic features of the Russian Federation's recent intersection of frozen conflicts in the post-Soviet space in the context of the implementation of its geostrategic tasks of global scale

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The Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine in the context of the Russian geostrategy in the post-Soviet space. Постає актуальним охарактеризувати етапи реалізації, засоби та особливості російської геостратегії на пострадянському просторі та визначити роль і місце російської агресії проти України у стратегічному плані поширення Російською Федерацією геополітичного впливу на континентальному та глобальному рівнях шляхом здійснення деструктивної зовнішньої політики.

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