
We give short historical sketch about theoretical researches’ development started at various times at the Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine. The emergence and development of research teams and schools, whose creative activity continues today, is embodied through the personal contributions of prominent theorists, their colleagues and students. We describe the emergence and formation of the Institute of Physics as the first research physical institution and a prominent role of the famous Joseph Kosonogov student Alexander Goldmann in the process. It is noted that Profes- sor Leon Kordysh was who began theoretical research at the Institute of Physics continuing the tradition of theoretical studies, initiated at St. Wolodymyr University by Professor Nickolas Schiller and developed by Joseph Kosonogov. After Kordysh's death, Lev Strum known for his originality and masterful approach to complex problems determined the line of theoretical studies for four years. After the Strum liquidation and the Goldmann imprisonment, Rosen had two years of productive work at the Institute of Physics. With the beginning of the German-Soviet war, the Institute was taken to Ufa, where the work was focused on defense, the Institute itself was significantly reduced and merged with the Institute of Mathematics. In 1944, the Institute was returned to Kyiv, headed by Academician Aleksander Lejpunsky, and theoretical research was mainly conducted by Solomon Pekar with his staff and Aleksander Davydov and his group. Up to 1960, Pekar had created a powerful team of theorists, with whom he moved to the newly created Institute of Semiconductors. Since 1964, with the formation of a new theoretical department headed by Davydov, the subject of researches in the properties of molecular crystals has been expanded and deepened. Important for science and the history of theoretical research at the Institute of Physics were several activity years at it by N. N. Bogolubov and Professor Alex Sitenko. Former employees and students of these prominent scientists are now actively moving forward the theory. In fact, the staff of the theoretical department headed by Corresponding Member of our Academy Petro M. Tomchuk works very fruitfully at the Institute of Physics.

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