
The article systematizes the knowledge about the cultural appropriation manifestations in social relations. As shown, the definition of cultural appropriation differs from one researcher to another, but they are all linked by the mention of the one who takes the cultural element, the one from whom it is taken, the very fact of appropriation and that this happens without the consent of the “injured” side. Two alternative classifications for cultural appropriation are considered. The first one was developed by R.A. Rogers, and in its essence the cultural appropriation is shown in cultural exchange, cultural domination, cultural exploitation and transculturation. The author of the second one is J.O. Young, and he distinguishes between such types of cultural appropriation as the appropriation of an object, the appropriation of a subject and the appropriation of content. There are also two clusters of views on cultural appropriation: in the first one its existence is either not recognized or interpreted positively; in the first one it is emphasized that cultural appropriation may be compared to theft. In addition to the actual social relations of various kinds, an unfavorable geopolitical situation that leads to cultural wars can be the precondition for the emergence of cultural appropriation. As a consequence of cultural appropriation, the aggravation of conflicts and inequalities, blurring of borders between cultures, rooting of stereotypical vision of representatives of another culture could appear. After analyzing the works on various cases of cultural appropriation, it was found that the most favorable for its emergence are vertical social relations, where there are representatives of the dominant culture (or the culture of the majority) and representatives of minority culture, which are often marginalized. The cultural appropriation also is very evolving in informal relations due to their specificity, because they are not controlled and regulated.

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