
By examining the complex aspects of language use and attitudes among Korean-Chinese students living in Heilongjiang Province in China, this study aims to analyze the bilingual patterns of Korean-Chinese students from various angles and provide an in-depth understanding of their language usage patterns, attitudes toward language, and how bilingual skills are formed and developed in socio-cultural contexts. In this paper, based on the national public language supply policy at Heilongjiang Korean-Chinese School, a field survey and survey were conducted on students from Heilongjiang Province Korean-Chinese School to accurately grasp the status and attitude of bilingualism in Chinese and Korean. For the conduct of the study, first of all, the survey method and the subject of the survey were confirmed as students of 32 Korean-Chinese schools in Heilongjiang Province. Next, the pattern of bilingualism in Korean and Chinese was analyzed through a survey on language attitude, language status cause, language and character use, and language relationship. Next, the problems of bilingualism were confronted, and a strategy for optimizing bilingualism according to the cause was devised. The results of the survey showed that Korean-Chinese school students were deeply interested in Chinese and Chinese culture. In other words, it was premised that they should be able to accurately recognize the superiority of China's bilingual policy and speak both Korean and standard Chinese, which are the native languages of the Korean people, but it showed the reality that the Korean language ability was weakening day by day compared to Chinese. Therefore, in this paper, the optimization strategies for bilingualism were divided into five categories: language dissemination and education programs, socio-cultural environment encouraging language use, the development of bilingual education programs, home and community support for language use, and policy support for language preservation. Therefore, the Heilongjiang provincial government, schools, and parents should set up an environment where Korean language education can develop soundly through policies and measures to promote full promotion and distribution by developing Korean and Chinese in a balanced manner.

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